Media Watch - Nov 12

Top Birmingham City Council Stories:

Speed cameras returning in ten areas for £1 million trial (Birmingham Mail) Speed cameras are set to be switched back on at 10 sites across Birmingham and Solihull next year. Cllrs James McKay and Tahir Ali quoted

First city 20mph zones revealed (Birmingham Mail) The first part of Birmingham to get 20mph speed limits has been officially revealed. Cllr Tahir Ali quoted

Parents in revolt over primary school head’s war on homophobia (Daily Mail) Further coverage of a group of parents at Welford Road primary confronting head teacher Jamie Barry over use of a programme, used by a number of schools in the city, that tackles homophobia in primary schools

Regional Headlines:

Trust chief resigns after criticism - The chief executive of a health trust that runs three West Midlands hospitals steps down after a health watchdog’s criticism

Police HQ revamp will cost £33m – The refurbishment of West Midlands Police’s HQ will take another two years to complete and cost £33m

National Headlines:

Banks fined £2bn over forex failings - Five banks, including RBS and HSBC, have been collectively fined £2bn by UK and US regulators for traders’ attempted manipulation of foreign exchange rates

‘Go’ is given for comet landing - European Space Agency controllers have given the final “go” for its Rosetta satellite to try to put a robot on the surface of a comet

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