Brandwood recycling box collection date set

in News

A collection of unwanted recycling boxes and old council-issued bins has been organised for households in Brandwood on Saturday 22 June.

It follows the start of the wheelie bin pilot project in the ward this week - which has seen almost 9,000 households receive a 240 litre wheelie bin for their recycling, replacing the old system of blue and green boxes.

Residents can keep the boxes or old bins for other uses if they wish, or take them to the local . Any residents wishing to take advantage of the collection should leave them out at the front of their property before 6am on Saturday 22 June for collection. All of the old boxes and bins will be recycled.

A similar collection will be organised for the other pilot ward of Harborne, and full details will be publicised once confirmed.

For more information on the wheelie bin project please visit

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