Experience Birmingham’s arts scene for young people at YAY16 launch event

Members of the public are being invited to a free event marking the launch of the Year of Arts and Young People 2016 (YAY16) in Birmingham this week.

Taking place at the Old Rep Theatre, in Station Street, on Friday (February 19), the event provides a chance for creative young people from across the city to come together to showcase and share their work, as well as serving as the launch for a year-long campaign to raise awareness among young people of the opportunities available to be creative, participate in and experience a wide range of arts activities throughout the year.

Running from 2pm to 9pm, the YAY16 launch will include workshops, panel discussions, stalls and live performances from some of Birmingham’s best homegrown talent. There will also be open mic and ‘dance jam’ sessions.

YAY16 is a collaborative event organised by Birmingham City Council in partnership with the Old Rep Theatre, Southside Producers, Beatfreeks, MAIA Creatives and Arts Connect.

Admission to the event is free but places need to be booked via www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/yay16-tickets-21205807140.


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