Nov 2015: Response to BIIP assessment of progress

BIIP letter to Rt Hon Greg Clark MP 5 Nov 2015*

Secretary of State’s response to the Birmingham Independent Improvement Panel

Response from Leader of Birmingham City Council, Sir Albert Bore and Chief Executive, Mark Rogers:

“Much progress has been made since the panel last wrote to Secretary of State and we’re pleased that this progress has been acknowledged.

“The work continues and the recent appointments of senior officers as part of the ongoing Future Council programme underline our commitment to wide-ranging and fundamental change. The recruitment programme to boost our senior management capacity continues.

“We recognise that ongoing engagement with members, residents, community groups, businesses and staff is vital and we now have an extensive schedule of events looking at the Future Council programme and our forthcoming budget. Many of these events are face-to-face but we have also increased digital engagement to reach a larger city-wide audience.

“As the panel acknowledges, progress has been made to nurture successful partnerships with organisations across the city. We value our work with partners and continue to develop and strengthen these relationships. We are also rebuilding and re-shaping existing partnerships as we work towards realising a shared vision for our city.”

Notes to editors

* The BIIP refers to The Executive Director of Change and Integrated Support Services - the job title is actually Strategic Director of Change and Integrated Support Services.

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