Longbridge Connectivity Scheme set for green light

A scheme to improve transport links in Longbridge is expected to be given the go-ahead by Birmingham City Council’s cabinet.

The Longbridge Connectivity Scheme aims to improve journey times by reducing congestion, as well as improving the experience of rail passengers and enhancing the way transport is integrated. It also aims to create employment opportunities and improve access to skills.

Proposals featured in the scheme include:

  • Upgrading the existing railway station to ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’;
  • Improving the existing bus interchange, including upgrading five stops on Longbridge Lane and three on Bristol Road South;
  • Improving connectivity to strategic routes by addressing pinch points and reducing congestion on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road South;
  • Extending the traffic-free cycle route along the River Rea to Tessall Lane to accommodate the diversion of the National Cycle Network Route 5 through Longbridge;
  • Signage to help pedestrians find their way around Longbridge railway station and to better connect with local bus stops;
  • Enhancing existing park and ride provision, doubling capacity to 223 spaces.

The £10.6 million scheme will be funded from a range of sources, including £6.83 million from the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) Local Growth Fund, £2.47 million from developer St Modwen Properties and £500,000 from the National Station Improvements Programme (NSIP).

, cabinet member for development, transport and the economy, said: “This scheme will greatly increase transport connectivity for this part of Birmingham. These improvement works are expected to have a significant positive impact on journey times and delays through the Longbridge area, benefiting motorists as well as those using public transport.

“As part of this scheme, we are also making improvements which will benefit cyclists and rail travellers too, supporting our commitment to enhancing connectivity across Birmingham.”


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