Keeping Birmingham Building - helping close the housing gap

Details of where 38 new homes will be built across the city are to go before cabinet, as part of a wider house building programme, to help close Birmingham’s housing gap.service-redesign-gives-shelforce-a-boost01

The full business case for the construction of the homes for rent is part of the Keep Birmingham Building report which shows the recommended locations and number of proposed properties to be built in 2015/16 on a site-by-site basis; small, former garage sites; medium-sized sites including development of poor-quality and surplus land; and larger developments providing mixed-tenure homes.

This report is in turn part of the wider Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust (BMHT) delivery plan which will see an estimated 2,056 homes built by 2020.

The number of proposed homes in Keep Birmingham Building for each of the 29 sites ranges from one to 166, with the total number of new starts comprising 450 for rent and 209 for sale.

Councillor Tahir Ali, cabinet member for development, transport and the economy, said: “The Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust is doing some amazing work, just as the report says – we are keeping Birmingham building at a time when demand for houses is outstripping supply. This latest report sets out precisely where new homes will be built, from a couple of properties on former garage sites, to major developments.

“I’m particularly pleased to see the number of smaller sites as this shows how we have developed the Birmingham House Builders’ Club which I launched last year. This is about giving small, local house-builders the opportunity to build new council homes.”

The report also sets out the procurement methodology for the three different types of sites. While development of the smaller sites will be procured through the Birmingham House Builders’ Club, the medium-sized sites will be offered through the Construction West Midlands Framework and the larger sites through the BMHT Contractors’ Framework.

The report goes before cabinet on 29 June and asks for approval of the full business case for the 38 homes for rent.


For media enquiries please contact Sarah Kirby on 0121 303 3885

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